Re: Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level
Just making a note here to wish and pray that this gets implemented asap. Cloning and making dozens of conditional formatting rules for every column is KILLING ME. Thanks!1 · -
Re: Provide users with the ability to Print a Grouped Report
I am absolutely gobsmacked that this is even an issue. I am an avid proponent of Smartsheet as it does so many things so well. How the heck is this even an issue?!? What hasn't this been fixed yet?!?…4 · -
Re: How to populate dropdown value list from another sheet
Count me in on this as well. This piece of functionality I could hack my way around to a solution in the past. My company is growing in size and my hack (which is just manually going from sheet to sh…1 · -
Re: Link Reference Sheet Dropdown
While Andree's workaround works... It is just that. As a GC, I need to be able to update project names, employee names, etc. on a regular basis. These lists are used throughout MANY different sheets …4 ·